

I started on the potter’s wheel a few years ago and as someone who has always enjoyed messing around with plants, clay has in the same way given me infinite possibilities. I use a variety of different clays. Each one nudging me towards a different outcome. Everything is handmade, thrown on the wheel. The process is not an exact science and while they may be similar they’re never the same. Hope you like them and thanks for giving my pots your time.


“...failure with clay was more complete and more spectacular than with other forms of art. You are subject to the elements... Any one of the old four - earth, air, fire, water - can betray you and melt, or burst, or shatter - months of work into dust and ashes and spitting steam. You need to be a precise scientist, and you need to know how to play with what chance will do to your lovingly constructed surfaces in the heat of the kiln.”

A.S. Byatt,